ROMA-- Monseñor Corrado Balducci, persona conocedora y cercana al Papa, ha estado ya cinco veces en la television italiana durante los ultimos cinco meses para proclamar que el contacto con extraterrestres es un fenomeno real.
El prelado anuncio que el Vaticano esta recibiendo mucha informacion sobre los extraterrestres y sus contactos con humanos desde diversas embajadas religiosas en varios paises como Mejico, Chile y Venezuela.
Monseñor Balducci dijo que esta en una comision creada desde el Vaticano para investigar estos encuentros con extraterrestres, y para hacer frente al conocimiento emergente de estos contactos extraterrestres.
Balducci presento a la Iglesia Catolica Romana un analisis de los extraterrestres, enfatizando que esos encuentros " NO son demoniacos, NO son debidos a ningun desorden psicologico, NO son casos de posesiones de entidades, sino que merecen ser estudiados detenidamente".
Monseñor Balducci es un experto exorcista del Vaticano, y ya que la Iglesia Catolica historicamente ha demonizado fenomenos desconocidos aun pobremente comprendidos, lo mas remarcable es que esta proclamando la no-censura de estos encuentros. Balducci revelo que esta siguiendo muy de cerca este fenomeno.
Gracias por la Reunion Mundial de la Verdad.Angeles Solares
Monsignor Corrado Balducci, person expert and near the Pope, has already been five times in the Italian television during last the five months to proclaim that the contact with extraterrestrial is a real phenomenon.
The prelate announcement that the Vatican this receiving much information on extraterrestrial and its contacts with humans from diverse religious embassies in several countries like Mexico, Chile and Venezuela.
Monsignor Balducci said that this in a commission created from the Vatican to investigate these encounter with extraterrestrial, and to do against the emergent knowledge of these extraterrestrial contacts. Balducci I present/display to the Roman Catholic Church an analysis of the extraterrestrial ones, emphasizing that those encounter " They are not demonic, do not have to any psychological disorder, are not cases of possessions of organizations, but they deserve to be studied detenidamente".
Monsignor Balducci is an expert exorcist of the Vatican, and since the Catholic Church historically has demonizado phenomena unknown even poorly included, but the remarkable thing is that this proclaiming not-censures of these encounter. Balducci I reveal that this following very close by this phenomenon. Thanks for the World-wide Meeting of the Truth. Solar angels
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